review request email templates

59 Unique Email Templates for Requesting Online Reviews

Use these general and industry-specific email templates for requesting online reviews. You need to ask for reviews to generate them and boost your business.
Reading Time: 26 minutes

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Updated 4/7/23

How do you write a review request?

Common advice states that you ask for what you want directly. It’s good, solid advice, and most of the time, it works. But there’s more to it than that.

I’m talking about the ingredients for success.

When you ask for a review, your odds of success skyrocket if your request includes the right ingredients. I’m going to show you what those ingredients are and provide you with customizable templates you can use in your business for review generation.

It’s also essential to understand the value of reviews, whether they’re Google reviews, Facebook recommendations, Yelp reviews, or reviews on any 3rd party industry-specific review site. Google recently verified what many believed for years, that customers value a mix of positive AND negative reviews.

This post is epic, so to navigate it, we’ve got a table of contents that will deliver you to the section that you want to jump to:

Table of Contents

Why you need review request templates

Research shows words have a specific set of emotions tied to them. Ask for a review with the right words, and you automatically trigger a specific set of emotions.

See the value there?

Review request email templates that are crafted with the right words create structure and foundation. That’s especially important when it comes to scaling review requests or training employees.

It’s the starting point.

With the right set of review request email templates, you’ll be able to achieve consistent results when you ask for a review. What about improvements? If you’re running A/B split tests, these email templates act as your control, a solid baseline for measuring performance.

They enable you to test successfully, using treatments to systematically improve review requests.

You need it.

Even if you plan on customizing these templates heavily, they’re still important tools to have in your review request toolkit.

The templates provided in this post can easily be used via the platform. Here’s a walkthrough on how to update your review request email campaign with these templates:

How to ask for a review

In our recently updated post, we cover the ins and outs of how to get reviews. It’s a comprehensive post that’s perfect for experienced professionals who are looking for a systematic method they can use to train their team.

Today we’re focused on something different.

We’re focused on the methods or channels used to ask for reviews. There are basic methods you can use to ask for a review.

  • Face-to-face: A face-to-face request is the most effective method you can use to ask for a review. These can be in-person or online, in an individual or group setting.
  •  Email: Asking for reviews via email is incredibly effective. Customers are highly responsive, especially if the review request is made shortly after a conversion event (e.g. sign-up, purchase, opt-in or follow).
  • SMS / Text Messages: Consumers are increasingly comfortable engaging with businesses via text. What does this mean? Text messages give you immediate access to customers.
  • Social media: For better or worse, social media has built-in virality. Do something amazing or legendary for your customers and it spreads like wildfire. Do something bad and it spreads even faster. As far as review requests go, social media is a double-edged sword.

Here’s the problem.

These four methods aren’t equally effective. There are pros and cons to each and they come with serious consequences when they’re misused.

But which one is best?

Vanessa Bohns of Cornell University and Mahdi Roganizad of Western University found face-to-face requests were 34 times more effective than emailed requests. Face-to-face requests don’t scale all that well though (or do they?).

Doesn’t this mean email isn’t effective for review requests?

Not at all.

Over 4 billion people worldwide use email and it has a 90% penetration rate among US internet users.

But are people using their email accounts?


In the same article, Hubspot, Campaign Monitor and Mailchimp show an average open rate around 20%, click rates of 2.5-3% and conversion rates of 1.2%.

We know email works.

What about text messages? The statistics are pretty clear on this as well. The Pew Research Center found 85 percent of Americans owned a smartphone. Surprisingly, 98 percent of mobile users will read a branded/business SMS message and 90 percent will read all messages within 3 minutes! Even better, SMS boasts a 45 to 98 percent response rate (compared to email’s 2 to 20 percent).

So which one is better?

That’s the wrong question. It’s not about better, it’s about different. Using any one of these channels will prove effective. Layering these channels together – that’s when you begin to see dramatic results.

How would you do that?

There are lots of ways to layer these channels. Here’s one idea you can use as part of your template.

First, you segment and stagger your text requests asking for a review first. You don’t want to add a large number of reviews to your review profile first, only for those reviews to be flagged as “suspicious” or spammy.

Next, you segment your email users into several relevant categories. You send emails out asking for a review, but you do it on a staggered schedule. Here are several criteria you can use to segment your list.

  • Repeat sales: Customers who are infrequent but repeat customers. They come to you with opportunities to earn their business first. They’re willing to spend more provided that they have a compelling reason to do so.
  • Revenue per customer: The 20 percent of your customers that produce 80 percent of your revenues and/or profit. This is an overall measurement and is tracked on a per-customer basis.
  • Spending by customer: Which customers spend the most money per cycle (e.g. annually, quarterly, monthly, weekly, etc.)
  • Product consumption rates: Which customers are fully using and absorbing your products and services? Customers who actually use your products or services are typically the most qualified to review them.
  • Purchase frequency: This is different from “spending by customer” as this refers to the actual number of purchases rather than a specific dollar value or financial threshold. These customers purchase consistently, often like clockwork.
  • Profit margin: Customers who have purchased products or services with the highest profit margins. As a group, these customers produce an extraordinary amount of cash for a business.
  • Customer evangelists: These are your believers, the customers who champion your business. They defend your business against attacks by naysayers, they attend your company events, and they’re active participants in the process.
  • High engagement: These are your vocal customers, the often irritating but well-meaning bunch that will tell you the truth in love. They truly believe in you, your product, or your service, and they’re willing to hold you accountable when you fall short.
  • Admiration: These customers love your business and display many of the same behavioral markers as the highly engaged group. They’re loyalists who are focused on serving and supporting your organization.
  • Strong relationships: These customers are your rock. They spend often, pay on time, and are givers by nature themselves.
  • Anniversaries: (e.g. purchase, sign-up, introduction, etc.) and special events that remind customers of the reasons they chose you. These dates are significant because they trigger nostalgia or dread depending on a customer’s relationship with you.

Finally, create a list of your super customers, you know, the people who meet three or more of these criteria. You’re still going to ask for a review, but you’ll ask these customers for a face-to-face review as well as the usual review.

Wait a minute!

How is this supposed to work? We all know that face-to-face reviews don’t scale. How are you supposed to make these review request types work?

You don’t.

If you have an email and text autoresponder sequence in place, you don’t need your face-to-face interviews to scale.

It’s actually the opposite.

You don’t want these face-to-face interviews to scale. Instead, these interviews should be reserved for the upper echelon of your customers.

The very best of the best.

The customers you have an incredible, trust-driven relationship with.


These customers will take the time to go above and beyond for you. They’ll hop on a video call to share their experience with your business. They’ll go to the trouble of posting their review online for you.

Average customers won’t do this for you.

This is why you need a layered strategy when you ask for reviews. If you’re a larger business or you’re dealing with an enormous customer list, automation is a must. You’ll need an autoresponder sequence that layers these strategies in a way that maximizes results. Don’t forget, in terms of this layered strategy, you can also use text template review requests.

An autoresponder sequence that enables you to ask for reviews from:

  • Customer all-stars who are eager to reciprocate
  • Happy or satisfied (but average) customers who will leave a review if asked
  • Unhappy customers who will give you the chance/opportunity to make things right
  • Unhappy customers who are encouraged to vent via an internal feedback form
  • Neutral customers who are open to being persuaded

See the difference?

If you’re running a bulk campaign to ask for reviews from neglected or forgotten customers, you’ll want to segment and stagger your email list. If you’d like a natural, consistent stream of positive reviews, you’ll need a multi-layered autoresponder sequence (SMS, email, social media and face-to-face).

Here’s why this matters.

Large blasts sent to past customers can be risky. Sure, you may get a ton of reviews from older customers. But you’re also more likely to trigger red flags with Google, Yelp or Facebook.


Your account history.

It’s suspicious if you go from little to no reviews to a ton of reviews all at once. If you plan to ask older customers for a review, the segment and stagger strategy is an absolute must. It’s a fantastic way to attract a large number of reviews without the suspicion that typically comes with it.

Here’s another problem.

You’re not sure what to say. If you’re like most people, you don’t have a set of templates you can use to ask for reviews.

What do you say?

Industry-specific email templates you can use to ask for a review

Here are some email templates broken down by industry:

General / All-purpose Review Request Templates

Do you know how to ask for a Google review? 

There’s a right way and a wrong way to do it. Use these email templates if you’re looking for something general you can customize. Since almost every industry needs to start their review generation focus on Google reviews and Facebook Recommendations. These emails are great starting points for any business.

General Google review request email template #1:

Dear [customer name],

Thanks for being our customer. We’d like to hear how your experience with [business name] went.

Do you mind taking just a few minutes to leave a review?

You can leave your feedback by visiting this link.

[review funnel link]

General Google review request email template #2:

Hey [customer name],

We appreciate your business!

How’d we do? Please take a moment to let us know. We use your feedback to improve our operations for you and customers like you.

[review funnel link]

General Google review request email template #3:

How was our service today, [customer name]?

If we exceeded your expectations, please consider leaving us a review.

[review funnel link]

General Google review request email template #4:

[Customer name], we were happy we could help you out today.

Did we do a good job of [solving whatever problem drove them to your business in the first place]?

If so, could you take a few minutes to tell us about your experience?

Just click here to go right to our favorite review site:

[review funnel link]

General Google review request email template #5:​

Help us improve, [customer name]!

We hope you enjoyed your experience as our customer, but want to know for sure.

Tell us how you really feel right here:

[review funnel link]

General Google review request email template #6:​

[Customer name], 

It’s been a pleasure working with you. 

What can we do to improve your experience as our client? If you’re willing, we’d love to hear the good, the bad, and the ugly (we can take it). 

Let us know here: [review funnel link]

General Google review request email template #7:​

[Customer name], 

Thanks for shopping with us today. 

As [manager of the customer service team], I have one question for you. 

How did we do? 

Is there anything we can do to make your experience even better? If you’re willing, we’d love to hear the good, the bad, and the ugly (we can take it). 

Let us know here: [review funnel link]

General Google review request email template #8:​

[Customer name], 

I wanted to reach out and ask how are you doing? 

Is our app performing as you expected?

As [head of the onboarding team], I want to ensure that you’re getting the maximum value out of [app]. What can we do to make things (easier, better, faster) for you? Give us the good, the bad, and the ugly (no feedback is too small). 

Share your feedback here: [review funnel link]

General Google review request email template #9:​

[Customer name], 

I wanted to ask you a question. 

Did we make you happy?  

I saw that you ordered [product] from us on [date]; was your experience with us a good one? Good or bad, we want to know. 

Share your feedback here: [review funnel link]

General Google review request email template #10:​

Hello [Customer name], 

I saw from our customer service logs that you ran into trouble during your order. 

Did we resolve the problem to your satisfaction?

I noticed that [employee] took your customer service call. How did everything go? Whether you’re happy or unhappy, I’d like to hear about your experience. 

Share your feedback here: [review funnel link]

Home Services Industry Review Request Templates

If you’re a contractor, carpenter, or home service professional, how do you ask for reviews? When it comes to asking for reviews, there are some specific nuances you’ll want to learn about the home services industry. In addition to Google, you’ll also want to try these out to generate HomeAdvisor reviews or Houzz reviews.

Use these email templates to ask for reviews. Remember the research I shared in the beginning on the impact of words and emotion? That’s especially important here. You’re looking for reviews that defuse objections, reduce risk, and ease customer fears about working with you.

Home Services review request template #1:

Hi [client name],

Thanks for choosing us to handle your [service]. Were you happy with our workmanship and professionalism?

Please take a moment to give us your thoughts at [review funnel link]

Home Services review request template #2:

Whew, that was a lot of work! Big projects always are.

But now that the work is all done, [client name], why not take a moment to tell on our guys?

Were they on time and professional? Did they clean up after themselves? Most of all, were you happy with the quality of their workmanship?

Give us the good, the bad, and the ugly here:

[review funnel link]

Home Services review request template #3:

Thanks for choosing [company name], [client name]!

We hope you had a great experience with us.

If we were on-time, on-budget, and on-point with our workmanship, would you take a moment to let us know?

Please share your thoughts with us here: [review funnel link]

Home Services review request template #4:

Hey [client name],

Thanks for trusting us with your [home services project].

Were you happy with the work we did?

If you could take a moment to let us know, it would really help us out. It will also help homeowners like you who aren’t sure who they can trust with their [home services project type] needs.

Just visit this link to get started: [review funnel link] It will only take a few seconds of your time!

Home Services review request template #5:

Hi [client name],

We did it! We finished your project together! Are you happy with the result?

If you’re not, please let us know. 

If you’re pleased with the result, would you take a moment to give us your thoughts at [review funnel link]

Legal Industry Review Request Templates

As an attorney, how do you politely ask for a review in an email?

You shepherd your clients through some of the most difficult and stressful parts of their lives. If you’re guiding clients through a messy divorce, it may feel a little awkward requesting a review. It’s often awkward for your clients. Check out our guide for law firm reviews. Learn how you can make the most of your Avvo profile and generate Avvo reviews.

Here’s the good news.

They get it. Historically, clients have shown they’re more than willing to help a great lawyer (you) out for the asking. You just have to ask for the review.

Legal Industry review request template #1:

Dear [client name],

I enjoyed getting to know you over the course of your [case type] case.

I know this case represented one of the most difficult and stressful times in your life, and I’m sure you’re glad it’s over! There’s just one thing left to do, and it’s voluntary on your part.

If you feel I was responsive, available, and skilled as I handled your case, please consider leaving a review to help other people in your situation find their way to me.

You can do so here: [review funnel link] 

Legal Industry review request template #2:

Dear [client name],

Thank you for trusting [law firm name] with your case.

We sincerely hope our team resolved this matter to your satisfaction. If so, would you please take a moment to tell others about the quality of the representation that you received?

You can do so here: [review funnel link] 

Legal Industry review request template #3:

Dear [client name],

I appreciate the trust that you had in me, as we worked on your [case type] case. As you may be aware, lawyers (like me) rely on client reviews to keep our practices open.

If you feel I was attentive to your needs and did a good job representing you, would you consider leaving one for me? It would help me out a great deal.

You can do so here: [review funnel link] 

Legal Industry review request template #4:

Dear [client name],

I’m so happy we could resolve your [case type] case favorably. I want to help others just like you; would you be willing to help them? 

Here’s how you can help. 

Would you consider leaving a review (positive or negative) for our firm? It would help other people make up their minds when deciding whether or not they’d like to retain our firm.

It only takes 5 minutes. 

Share your thoughts here: [review funnel link] 

Legal Industry review request template #5:

Dear [client name],

Your case was a tough one; we faced many challenges, but we pulled through in the end. What was your experience with us? 

Were we as attentive, helpful, or supportive as you wanted us to be? 

Please let us know,

Your feedback helps our firm to grow; it also helps prospective clients (just like you) make up their minds.  

Share your thoughts here: [review funnel link] 

Hospitality Industry Review Request Templates

As a hospitality manager, how do I ask for feedback online?

Your words, tone, approach and timing all have a role to play. The words, tone and approach used with a family-friendly indoor waterpark/hotel like Wilderness Resort won’t work for a romantic couples getaway like Auberge du Soleil.

If you run a hotel, you need to have a strategy for hospitality review management. Of course, you’re going to want to optimize your TripAdvisor reviews.

When you ask for a review you’ll need to take your audience, industry, and economic factors into account.

Hospitality Industry review request template #1:

How was your stay, [guest name]?

If your experience was picture-perfect, please take a moment to tell us so! We use your feedback to improve guest experiences.

[review funnel link] 

Hospitality Industry review request template #2:

Dear [guest name],

Thanks for choosing to spend your time in [city] with us.

We’d like to take a moment to ask about your experience. Was your suite sparkling clean and well-maintained? Did our staff treat you well?

Please let us know by leaving us a review here:

[review funnel link] 

Hospitality Industry review request template #3:

From the fluffy bedding to the fine food, the staff here at [hotel name] takes pride in offering high-caliber service.

Did we succeed [guest name]?

Please take a moment to give us your input. [review funnel link] 

Hospitality Industry review request template #4:

Hey, [guest name],

We loved being your home away from home while you were in [city]. We hope your trip was a good one, and we hope we contributed to that!

Did our staff do a good job of taking care of your needs? How was your room?

By leaving us a review you give us the opportunity to make your experience even better the next time you join us.

Why not drop by [review funnel link] to do so now?

Hospitality Industry review request template #5:

Hi [guest name],

During your stay, [Employee] handled the turndown service and cleaning for your room. Did their work meet your expectations? We’re asking because we really want to know if your stay with us was… a good one. 

If you share your feedback with us, it’ll help us improve. 

You can share here: [review funnel link]

Healthcare Industry Review Request Templates

How do I ask for feedback online?

As a healthcare professional, can you imagine asking your patient with explosive diarrhea for a review? Neither can I.

Healthcare is another industry where personalization may make things more awkward. You can avoid those awkward conversations and potential HIPAA violations by maintaining distance and a professional tone. That said, you need to understand the HIPAA considerations and how to get healthcare reviews. Learn about creating amazing listings and earning Healthgrades reviews and Zocdoc reviews.

Instead, focus on the points that make your medical facility special and the standards you work to uphold.

Healthcare Industry review request template #1:

Here at [medical facility], we pride ourselves on seeing every patient right on time.

Did our staff achieve that for you today? If so, please consider leaving us a review.

You can do so here: [review funnel link].

Healthcare Industry review request template #2:

Dear [patient name],

At [medical facility], we are committed to offering the highest level of patient care in [city].

How was the quality of your care today?

Please let us know here:  [review funnel link].

Healthcare Industry review request template #3:

Dear [patient name],

How was your visit with Dr. [doctor name] today? Did [he/she] address all your questions and concerns? Do you feel satisfied with your treatment plan moving forward?

We’d love to get your feedback.

Please visit this link to let us know: [review funnel link].

Healthcare Industry review request template #4:

Dear [patient name],

Thanks for making us your partners in managing your health. Your well-being is our highest concern.

Did you feel like we did a good job taking care of you today?

If so, please take a few minutes to tell us about your experiences. Just click here: [review funnel link].

Healthcare Industry review request template #5:

Dear [patient name],

Thank you for stopping in to visit us today; we hope you’re feeling better. 

How was your visit with us? 

Did we meet or exceed your expectations during your visit today? Please visit this link to let us know: [review funnel link].



Wedding Services Industry Review Request Templates

How do you write a review request?

Timing is definitely an important factor; you’ll want to wait a bit so the bride and groom have had the chance to enjoy their honeymoon. You don’t want to wait so long that your clients forget the amazing job you did for them.

You’ve got to strike the right balance.

Weddings can feel like an emotional, stress-inducing whirlwind. Whether you’ve baked the cake, provided the venue or taken photographs, this one day the bride and groom won’t forget.

Recreate the positive emotions and reminders of their special day when you ask for wedding reviews on sites like The Knot.

Wedding Services Industry review request template #1:

Dear [customer name],

Your wedding was beautiful! Thanks for making us part of your big day!

We hope the [product or service you provide] helped to make it extra special.

If we did a good job, please consider taking a moment to leave a review so we can do the same for couples like you.

You can do so here: [review funnel link].

Wedding Services Industry review request template #2:

Congratulations! You’re married!

Thanks for making us a small part of something special, [customer name].

Do you feel our team members did everything in their power to reduce your stress and get you exactly what you wanted?

If so, please consider leaving a review here: [review funnel link].

Wedding Services Industry review request template #3:

Dear [customer name],

Thanks for choosing us to be a part of your wedding. We enjoyed serving you and your family.

If we lived up to the promises we made to you and provided you with something special, please consider helping us out by leaving a quick review: [review funnel link].

Wedding Services Industry review request template #4:

Dear [customer name],

Congratulations on your marriage!

Were you happy with [product or service you provide]? Feedback helps us provide an even better experience for future couples, and we’d love to hear from you.

Tell us how you really feel here: [review funnel link].

Wedding Services Industry review request template #5:

Dear [customer name],

Your wedding was magical; your [spouse] couldn’t take their eyes off of you. I’m happy we were able to be part of your special day. 

Did we make you happy? 

I want to verify that we met your expectations on your special day. If we didn’t, please let us make it up to you. Share your feedback (good or bad) here:

[review funnel link].

Real Estate Industry Review Request Templates

Realtors face a significant amount of competition from online and offline sources. From real estate agents, other realtors and Fizzbo prospects. Earning real estate reviews require consistency and personal relationships. Discover how to focus on Zillow reviews.

Online reviews give realtors the upper hand they need to sway a large majority of customers to their side. These happy customers are more likely to stay with realtors they’ve grown to trust.

Real Estate Industry review request template #1:

Dear [client name],

Thanks for choosing me to help you find your dream home! Now that you have the keys I hope it will bring you pleasure for many years.

I also hope you felt like I did a good job supporting you and guiding you through the process of buying your home.

If so, would you consider leaving me a review so other buyers can find me?

You can do so here: [review funnel link].

And of course, please don’t hesitate to contact me for all your future real estate needs!

Real Estate Industry review request template #2:

Dear [client name]:

Few things are more stressful for homeowners than putting that home on the market. But we did it! I’m sure that’s a weight off your shoulders.

If you feel I did a good job marketing your home and getting it sold, please consider leaving me a review. Your feedback will help me improve while helping other sellers find me when they need me.

Just click here to give me your thoughts: [review funnel link].

Real Estate Industry review request template #3:

Dear [client name],

Thank you for choosing me to be your realtor! I work hard to negotiate well for all my clients.

If you feel I did a good job defending your interests please consider taking a minute to leave a review.

You can do so here: [review funnel link].

I look forward to seeing you again the next time you have a real estate matter you need to resolve!

Real Estate Industry review request template #4:

Dear [client name]:

We did it! 

We were able to get you into your home at a price that fit your budget! Are you excited? I’m excited. I have one question for you, though. 

How did we do?

Whether you feel our team did a good job negotiating on your behalf or failed miserably, please let us know (we can take it). We’re happy if you’re happy. 

Share your feedback here: [review funnel link].

Real Estate Industry review request template #5:

Dear [client name]:

Your home is a diamond in the rough. 

I’m so excited we could get your buyers to see that! Now we can get you the right (new) home at the right price! 

While I have you, I wanted to ask about our performance. 

Did we make you happy?

Would you share the good, bad, and ugly parts of your experience with us? Don’t worry about hurting our feelings we can take it. It’ll help us make our services better. 

Share your feedback here: [review funnel link].

Automotive Industry Review Request Templates

Dealerships depend on repeat business. Car dealer reviews build customer loyalty in three ways:

(1.) Dealer loyalty via customer feedback and reviews (2.) Salesperson loyalty based on honest and selfless salespeople and (3.) Brand loyalty based (in part) on customer reviews. The stronger your review portfolio, the stronger the customer/dealership relationships.

Think about putting your effort into earning Edmunds reviews or DealerRater reviews.

Automotive Industry review request template #1:

Dear [customer name],

How are you liking your [car make]?

It was a pleasure to hand you the keys and to watch you drive off the lot. I did everything I could to make the process easy, smooth, and fun for you.

Was I successful? Would you take a moment to leave me your feedback here?

[review funnel link].

Automotive Industry review request template #2:

Dear [customer name],

Congratulations on the purchase of your new [car type]!

I just want to remind you our service department is here for you if you have any issues. We have a clean, comfortable waiting room and our guys do their best to handle requests quickly.

I’d also like to ask if you’d consider leaving us some feedback about your experience here at [dealership].

You can do that here: [review funnel link].

Automotive Industry review request template #3:

Dear [customer name],

Thanks for stopping by our service department today. We appreciate you, and we’re happy that you trust [dealership] to keep your car in tip-top shape.

Did we do a good job of taking care of you today? Would you leave our guys a review if we did?

You can do that here: [review funnel link].

Automotive Industry review request template #4:

[Customer name], 

I want to thank you for stopping by our service department on [date]. 

Did we solve your problem? 

If not, please let us know so we can take care of that for you. If you’re satisfied with our work, would you share your feedback on our performance? 

It would mean so much to us. 

Share your feedback here: [review funnel link].

Automotive Industry review request template #5:

Thank you [Customer name], 

There are [57] other service centers in the area, but you chose us to solve your problem. 

We’re grateful for your trust. 

I wanted to ask you a question about your experience with us. 

Did we solve your problem today? 

If not, please let us know so we can take care of that for you. If you’re satisfied with the quality of our work, would you share your feedback with others? 

Share your feedback here: [review funnel link].

Category or circumstance-specific email templates to ask for reviews

Priming customers for review requests

Customers aren’t always happy to receive a review request. They’re not sure what to say or when to say it.

Priming customers is a simple and straightforward way to prep clients to give you reviews. You ask at the beginning of your relationship and then at the end of a sale, once your business with your customer is complete.

Here’s how you do it.

Hi [ customer name],

Thanks for your trust in us with [problem]. I know we’re going to achieve amazing things together! I had a quick question for you:

What can we say or do to earn a review from you?

We’ve made our [number] clients very happy, so they’ve decided to share their experiences. Would you be willing to share your experience with our new clients? You’d be able to share your thoughts here: [review funnel link].

Would you let me know?

[Your Name]

Here’s why it’s so effective. You’re getting customers to set the conditions you’ll need to meet to receive a positive review from them. What’s better, you’re getting it ahead of time. You’ll get the specifics you need to ensure your customers are happy and satisfied.

Use questions to nail down any vague answers.

Want to improve your odds of getting an amazing review? Follow these steps:

  • Prime customers with the question: “What can we say or do to earn a review from you?”
  • Get a short list of specifics and metrics to beat.
  • Outperform. Dramatically meet and exceed your customer’s expectations.
  • Remind customers about their metrics, show them how you’ve exceeded their expectations.
  • Ask customers for their feedback immediately.

Post-transaction review requests

You’ve probably heard it before. The best time to ask customers for a favor, is right after a conversion event, like a sale.

Confirmation emails are 2x to 5x more effective than bulk emails. Here are a few review request templates to do just that.

Hi [customer name]!

Thanks for shopping with us! Your items are on their way. If you’d like to track your order you can do it [tracking link].

One more thing.

Was your experience with us a good one? Please be as honest as you want to be (we can take it). Share your thoughts here.

[review funnel link].

We love you,

[Your Name]

That was a shipping conversation email. Can we do the same thing with an order confirmation email?

Absolutely, here’s how.

Hi [customer name],

We’ve really enjoyed working with you. We’re excited to see the pay-off our work generates for you. Looks like it’s going to be amazing.

Quick question for you.

What could we have done better? Please share your thoughts here: [review funnel link]. Any feedback you can give would be incredibly helpful.

Thanks again for your trust,

[Your Name]

The feedback interview request

Customers are happy when you fix their problem. But they forget to share their experience with others.

The feedback interview solves this problem.

How does it work? You simply ask customers for their feedback on one particular problem like this:

Hi [customer name],

In the past, some of our clients were burned by a competitor. Most of them paid lots of money for a [product or service] that didn’t work well. We’re trying to learn from their experience.

What’s your experience with our [product or service]? Have you run into any frustrations? Would you be willing to share your story on a quick 5 min. call?

Please be honest, we can take it! [review funnel link]

Appreciate you, [Your Name]

If you’re using your review funnel you can use this to collect negative feedback, fix the problems, then request a positive review. You can also use it to request reviews outright (regardless of the feedback).

Prestigious invite request

Inviting a customer to review your business isn’t the same as asking for a review. When you ask, it’s a favor. When you invite, it’s prestigious.

But only if you do it right.

Hi [customer name],

I’m reaching out to the top 3% of our customers (that’s you). I’d like to learn about your experience with [Business Name]. I only have six questions to ask, and it should only take 4 or 5 minutes.

Would it be alright if we talked on the phone? I’m free [date] at [time]. If you’re busy, you can share your thoughts here: [review funnel link]

[Your Name]

What if you can’t target the top 3% of customers in your business? Can you still use positioning to your advantage?


Just find a way to segment your customers. Remember the 11 sample segments I mentioned earlier (e.g. repeat sales, revenue per customer, profit margin, etc.)? You can use these elements to create a prestige invite.

Or you can make your own.

Applause review request

Sometimes you get things right. You were amazing, you under-promised and over-delivered. Your customers are happy, overjoyed even. This is the part where businesses ruin it. They forget to ask for the review.

When your customer is happy it’s a great time to ask for feedback. What specifically made them so happy? Did they dodge a bullet or avoid some painful outcome?

There’s an art to it. When you’re getting applause, asking for feedback is risky if it’s mishandled. If customers feel you’re being greedy – the relationship can sour quickly.

“This is the perfect time to use touch and go.”

With touch and go, you ask one question then you move on. You make one request then it’s back to celebrating. If customers are happy our questions need to be neutral or pleasant, this isn’t the time for controversy and alarm.

Thanks [ customer name]!

That’s amazing! I’m so glad things worked out well for you. 🙂

It was a lot of hard work but we did it together! Thanks for trusting us!

Any thoughts on what we can do to make this even better for you?

[review funnel link]

We love working with you!

[Your Name]

If they’re unsure, you ask them six questions. Once you’ve received positive feedback from customers you transcribe it and request a review, like this:

[Customer name],

Thanks again for sharing your thoughts with us. I’m so happy you’re satisfied with the [results or outcome].

Here’s a transcript of our interview.

Would you be willing to share this transcript of your feedback on one of our key review sites as a review?

It’s just copy and paste here:

[review funnel link]

No worries if you’re uncomfortable with this, you’re amazing either way.

[Your Name]

The survey interview review request

The survey interview is, as the name suggests, a survey. It’s a one question survey that leads with something fascinating. A question or hook that’s guaranteed to grab their attention.

Here’s how it works:

  • What do you want to know? Choose the most important question you’d like to ask e.g. what’s the biggest problem you’re trying to solve?
  • Why should they care? Make your question attention-grabbing, avoiding explicit controversy and self-deprecation.
  • Segment your responses. Who provided the best/worst answers? Which answers are most valuable? Sort respondents into groups.
  • Follow up with the engaged. Reach out to the people you’d like to hear more from. Send them a message thanking them for their response and asking if they’d be willing to elaborate.

If you’re running a marketing firm, your one question survey could be anything along the lines of:

  • What do you hate most about marketing firms?
  •  What’s your biggest struggle with creating content?
  • What’s your biggest risk factor when it comes to paying for SEO?
  • What would make an unknown marketing firm unique from your perspective?

And the most important part? You target existing customers with your one question survey. Ask responders if they’re willing to respond. Transcribe the positive feedback, then ask them to share via review sites (e.g. Yelp).

Surveys are great for enterprises to get a pulse of their customers. Ultimately, if you’re a franchise and focusing on enterprise SEO, your reviews can have a massive impact at a local level.

The Free Trial Follow-up request

If free trials are a big part of your business, this strategy is a great way to convert trial users. Here’s how it works.

You’re looking for engaged users, people who’ve signed up for a free trial and are actually trying things out. They’re uploading their information, creating reports, and working with your API.

They’re taking things seriously.

These customers deserve more of your attention. Your onboarding user flow should guide these customers along, giving them the support they need to make a yay or nay decision.

Reach out for feedback near the end of their free trial.

[Customer name],

You’ve got three days left on your free trial. What was the most frustrating or most wonderful things about [our product]? Any thoughts on how you’d make it better?

[review funnel link]

You’re number one!

[Your Name]

Reviews from references request

Have you ever had a prospect ask for references? You can use these reference requests as an opportunity to ask your clients for reviews.

Here’s how you do it:

[Customer name],

Thank you so much for being willing to share your honest feedback with our [prospect]. I’m grateful for your help on this.

Would you be willing to share the basic idea behind your feedback here? [review funnel link] This way, there’d be no need to bother you with a reference request in the future.

If not, no worries.

Thanks for everything,

[Your Name]

This works best with highly agreeable clients who are somewhat (or very) eager to please. It also works well with clients who, “owe you a favor.”

It’s a big ask.

Here’s why it works. You’re asking customers to do what they’ve already done. Repeat the positive feedback they shared with prospects on a reference call. They repeat it one more time, on a review site. Thanks to your 10 review request scripts, they know what to say, and how to say it.

The unhappy customer

If you’re running a business, you’re bound to have a few unhappy customers. Customers won’t always be happy with the work you do. Sometimes we make mistakes, sometimes we don’t meet their expectations. Sometimes these customers leave.

It’s common for businesses to treat these customers like a lost cause. “I made a mistake, they’re really angry with me, and they’re gone forever.”

What if you could get them back? What if there was a chance you could win them back and win new customers over in the process? As it turns out you can.

Here’s how:

  1.  Assess your customer. You’re looking for unhappy customers who are emotionally stable. The strategy won’t work with unhappy customers if they’re toxic or malicious. You’re looking for unhappy people who are honorable, even though you screwed up.
  2. Ask for details. These customers may already be on their way out the door. If they’re willing, give them a chance to clear the air. Ask questions if you need clarification, but listen. Get their permission to record and transcribe the interview.
  3. Ask them to share their feedback. Send them a copy of their unedited feedback. Then ask if they’d be willing to share it publicly as a review. That’s right, you’re asking them to share a negative review.
  4. Fix the problems they’ve mentioned. Go above and beyond, fixing all of the issues your unhappy customer mentioned. Next, create an irresistible offer that’s designed to woo them back to you (e.g. if you’re running a ski resort, you could reach out to unhappy customers with a free 10 day pass good for 10 people).
  5. Make your approach. The approach is key. Come on too strong and look needy. Allow your ego to get in the way, and they may update their review, making your situation worse. The whole strategy falls apart. Your approach needs to be gentle, nuanced and respectful.

Your initial approach could look a little bit like this:

[Customer name],

We’ve really messed things up. I’m so sorry. I know where we went wrong but I think I’m missing something. I’d like to learn as much as I can from this.

Would you be willing to share where you think we went wrong?

This isn’t a ploy to try to keep you with us. I want to prevent this from happening again.

[Your Name]

This doesn’t look like a review request, does it? That’s because you’re not asking for a review. Doing that would be a mistake at this point. Right now, your focus should be on one thing.


This requires nuance but it’s also a risk.

You fix your unhappy customer’s problem, generously throwing in unasked for extras to smooth things over. Next, you’ll want to document everything. All of the steps you took to restore the relationship, the extras you provided, everything.

Once customers are overjoyed (and only then do) you make this request.

[Customer name],

You’ve been so good to us. I wanted to reach out personally and let you know that I appreciate you giving us a chance to make things right.

We’re happy that you’re happy. 😀

Would you be willing to share your story (horrible beginning and happy ending)? If you are, you can do that here: [review funnel link]

Thank you either way.

[Your Name]

What about one-off vs. drip emails? Which one works best?

They both have their place.

Here’s a good rule of thumb.

  • Use drip emails for new customers in combination with email, text and face-to-face campaigns.

This ensures that the activity on your review profile stays within acceptable guidelines.

  • Use one-off emails for your segment and stagger email campaigns.

These one-off emails will enable you to attract and convert old customers in a safe, yet manageable way.

What about drip campaigns?

How do you structure these drip campaigns in a way that makes sense for your business? It’s simple, you mix and match the emails appropriately using the 18 strategies and templates in this updated post and the templates I’ve already shared above.

Context is king.

This is why you need templates

Common advice states that you ask for what you want directly. It’s good, solid advice that works.

When you ask for a Google review, or ask for any type of review, your odds of success skyrocket if your request includes the right ingredients. Use these customizable templates to ask for reviews when you need it.

Email templates that are crafted with the right words create structure and foundation. That’s especially important when it comes to scaling review requests or training employees.

It’s the starting point.

With the right set of email templates in your toolbox, you’ll be able to achieve consistent results when you ask for a review.

Remember that your review management responsibilities don’t end at review generation.

You’ll always want to make sure that you monitor your reviews, respond to positive reviews AND negative reviews, and share your reviews on Social Media.

What if these templates don't work?

What if these templates aren’t a good fit for your business? Change them, modify them, find what works for you. These templates aren’t a one-size-fits-all proposition. The opportunity is there if you’re willing to do the work.

As long as you’re willing to try.
